Thursday, January 26, 2012

My word, actually is worth it's weight in Gold.

So, er, I decided to open this for myself, to document something that maybe I didn't want the eyes of friends to see just yet.

I'm starting my Russell Brand-esque project! I'm always thinking, thinking, thinking. And all I could think about lately, is what does happiness mean to me? I'm pretty sure Russell did something akin to this anyway, wrote about having people meet him in New York(?) with items that brought them happiness, and he tried to better understand just what happiness is for various people, from what I can recall anyway.

So that's pretty much what this is going to be documenting. I've noticed lately that I don't have anything that really motivates or excites me, and I'm wondering where and when I've lost what makes me, well, me.

My "happiness" nowadays is so intertwined with booze, boys, and money. It wasn't like this before. So, I am going to get back to what I once really loved, and was fascinated by: Art. Paintings, Drawings, Ceramics and Digital Art. (Maybe Photography too, but I could never really get into that personally lol. I mean, when it's good, it's good though.)

And, um, I feel like I'm rambling a lot lol. So if this is all over the placeish, I apologize. My goal is to get better (or back) in touch with art by drawing portraits of various things around me. I want to do 10 portraits of people from my hometown, people that I'm not already friends with. I want to learn their stories, ask them what happiness means to them and try and capture them as best as I can with my Conté crayons and paper, which I haven't picked up in at least 3 years (so they'll probably be super shabby). I also want to draw landscapes of various places around my hometown.

And maybe, just maybe, I can feel alive on my own again. I'll try my best to keep this up as much as I can, between work and school.

See you soon. Promise.

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